Information about A-kasse and Dagpenge
In Denmark there are 22 Unemployment Insurance Funds.
Danish unemployment insurance funds (in Danish: A-kasse) are private non-profit institutions that are supported by the state.
You need to be a member of an A-kasse to be eligible for Unemployment benefits ("Dagpenge"). However it is not enough to be a member, also other requirements apply.
Of the 22 A-kasser some only take members from certain occupations/within certain professions.
Some others are in principle open for anyone, but target specific groups of employees, examples are "CA A-kasse" (individuals with business-related higher education) and AJKS (journalists).
The rest are interdisciplinary and accept any employees or self-employed as members. This means that no matter your profession you can apply for membership with these A-kasser or if you are already a member of an A-kasse, you can always switch A-kasse to an interdisciplinary A-kasse.
In the table below you will find those interdisciplinary A-kasser where it says "anyone" in the column "for whom", or you can read our article about the interdisciplinary A-kasser.
Are you in doubt about which A-kasse suits your job/education best, then you can have a look at our list over the typical members in the different A-kasser.
A-kasse | For whom | Price /month 2025 | Pros and Cons | Has an office in these cities | Members dev. in 2023/ Members as of 01/01/24 | Sign Up online/ Read more |
Krifa A-kasse | Anyone | 538 | Pros: TrustScore 4.6/5, Voted Denmark's best A-kasse 3 years in a row, union 150 DKK/month. | 14 cities, including Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense | -4.1% 145,444 | (ad link) Sign Up online about Krifa |
Akademiker | AcademicsAcade- mics | 499 | Pros: Is cheap | 7 cities, including Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense | 3.3% 251,988 | (ad link) Sign Up online about AKA A-kasse |
DFH A-kasse | Anyone | 511 | Pros: DK's cheapest A-kasse with Union, best price trend, and most new members. Free Union the first 6 months (seen 02/01). | Esbjerg, Kolding, Herning, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense, Ringsted, Copenhagen and Hillerød. | 6.9% 183,186 | (ad link) Sign Up online about DFH |
Min A-kasse | Anyone | 524 | Pros: cheap, TrustScore 4.6/5 Cons: no Union | Aalborg, Aarhus, Middelfart, København, Rødovre, Næstved and Valby | -2.6% 79,883 | (ad link) Sign Up online about Min A-kasse |
CA A-kasse | Business academicsBusi- ness acade- mics | 543 | Pros: Trustscore 4,8/5, has few complaints, CA Legal assistance can be purchased for extra DKK 55/month. | Aalborg, Aarhus, Kolding, Odense, Gentofte | 0.6% 56,509 | (ad link) Sign Up online about CA A-kasse |
3F A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 552 | Pros: Strong Union (if you buy Union together with A-kasse), High quality in case processing and guidance Cons: is expensive | 3F has branches throughout the country | -1.7% 204,579 | about 3F A-kasse |
HK A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 528 | Pros: TrustScore 4.4/5 Cons: high price, get more criticism for case handling and guidance than average | HK has branches throughout the country | -2.2% 163,573 | about HK A-kasse |
ajks | Journa- lists | 496 | Pros: good price trend, cheap, high quality in case management and guidance Cons: no Union | Copenhagen and Aarhus | -1.6% 22,759 | about AJKS |
DSA | Some profes- sions | 485 | Pros: DK's cheapest A-kasse, has few complaints Cons: no Union, gets criticism for case handling and guidance | Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Fredericia | -0.3% 89,433 | about DSA A-kasse |
BUPL-A | One professionOne profes- sion | 498 | Pros: cheap, has few complaints | BUPL has branches throughout the country | 0.1% 54,533 | about BUPL A-kasse |
Lærer | One professionOne profes- sion | 503 | Pros: Few complaints, No criticism for case handling | 5 cities, including Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus | -0.5% 67,557 | about Lærer A-kasse |
SL A-kasse | One professionOne profes- sion | 507 | Pros: Few complaints Cons: Most criticism for case handling of all A-kasser | 10 cities, including Copenhagen, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Odense | -2.4% 32,083 | about SL A-kasse |
Teknikernes A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 553 | Cons: is expensive, has more complaints than average | 9 cities, including Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense | -3.7% 19,786 | about TL A-kasse |
FOA A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 534 | Cons: is expensive, get more criticism for guidance than average | FOA has branches throughout the country | -1.4% 128,537 | about FOA A-kasse |
METAL-A | Some profes- sions | 554 | Cons: is expensive, has more complaints than average | METAL has branches throughout the country | -1.3% 61,467 | about Metal A-kasse |
Din Faglige A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 568 | Cons: is expensive, gets criticism for case handling | 12 cities, including Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus | -1.5% 32,175 | about FAK |
NNF A-kasse | Some profes- sions | 568 | Cons: poor price trend, is expensive, has more complaints than average | 13 cities, including Copenhagen, Ringsted, Rønne | -5.2% 14,989 | about NNF A-kasse |
Lederne A-kasse | ManagersMana- gers | 518 | Pros: has few complaints | Copenhagen + meeting places by appointment in 6 cities | 1.0% 123,985 | (ad link) Sign Up online about Lederne |
MA A-kasse | Anyone | 544 | Cons: has many complaints, no union | Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg and Odense | 0.9% 68,170 | about MA A-kasse |
A-kassen Frie | Anyone | 533 | Pros: TrustScore 4.5/5 Cons: Has the most complaints of all A-kasser, only office in Odense and Taastrup | Odense + meeting places by appointment | 0.5% 38,593 | about Frie |
FTF A-kasse | Anyone | 503 | Cons: no Union | Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Herning, Kolding and Næstved | 0.7% 136,890 | about FTFa |
Ase A-kasse | Anyone | 542 | Copenhagen + meeting places by appointment | 1.0% 135,976 | about ASE |
Number of members are from Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering's annual estimates of the number of members. Students with free membership are not included.
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Unemployment Insurance in Denmark
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