if the Top-up itself meets the requirements for graduate rights in the A-kasse, then you can get a new 2-year period with dagpenge.
This means that the Top-up must have a duration of at least 18 months/3 semester.
Because you are receiving dagpenge at the moment, I assume you will have no problem with staying in Denmark the day before starting Top-up and again at latest 2 weeks after finishing Top-up.
New residence requirement
Since you began you current dagpenge period there has come a new requirement for being eligible for dagpenge. Since January 1, 2019 you must have stayed in Denmark at least 5 out of the last 12 years for being eligible for dagpenge. In 2020 the requirement will be 6 out 12 and from 2021 7 out of 12.
You can read more about this new residence requirement here: https://a-kasser.dk/requirement-of-7-years-of-stay-in-Denmark-or-eea/index.html
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk