Part time job together with supplementary unemployment benefits

Hi, I was searching for a part time job because the job center suggested, but I have some questions about it. I know that the benefits will add up to my salary to the amount that I am missing (because I will be paid for just part time) but I was wondering if that means that my benefits are extended in that sense. What I mean is, if I work six months part time and then quit do I get benefits for 3 month longer than before? Also am I allowed to quit whenever I want?
in Dagpenge by

1 Answer



if you get a part-time job, you can apply for supplementary benefits (in danish: "supplerende dagpenge"). 

The number of hours you work will be supplemented with unemployment benefits, so you will receive a total of 160.33 hours in salary and unemployment benefit per month.

However in the rules about supplementary benefits it is stated that in order to receive supplementary unemployment benefit, you must have at least 14.8 hours of unemployment in one month.


1. If you work 150 hours in a month, you have 10.33 hours of unemployment, as there are 160.33 hours in a month. As you must have at least 14.8 hours of unemployment, you can not receive unemployment benefits this month.

2. If you work for 140 hours in a month, you can receive 20.33 hours of supplementary unemployment benefits this month.

Maximum period of 30 weeks

It is only possible to receive supplementary benefits for maximum 30 weeks within your 2 year-period with benefits.

Each time you receive supplementary unemployment benefits for one week (regardless of how many hours less than 37 you work, assumed the month -total exceeds 14,8 hours, and you therefore receives supplementary benefits for that month), the week counts in the use of the 30 weeks with supplementary unemployment benefits. Weeks where you do not work don't count towards the consumption. The same applies for weeks where you only receive salary.

It is optional if you wish - for a particular week - to make use of 1 of the 30 weeks with supplementary benefits or not.If you have work during the week and do not want to use the supplementary unemployment benefits for that week, you can note on your unemployment benefit card that you do not want supplementary unemployment benefits for the period.

Work during period with supplementary benefits can be used to extend the 2 year-period with dagpenge

By working your total period where you can receive benefits will be longer than 2 years/3.848 hours in two ways:

  • In the hours where you receive pay from your employer, you do not spend of the 3.848 hours, why the hours are added at the other end.
  • The hours you work can be used to extend your current right to benefits. Every hour you work can be exchanged into 2 hours of benefits

Can you quit a part-time whenever you want - will it have effect on your right to Unemployment benefits?

When your right to supplementary benefits ends you can quit your part-time job without being quarantined. And you can still receive unemployment benefits.

This requires that your termination takes effect after your entitlement to supplementary unemployment benefit has expired. Actually, You can avoid quarantine, if your job ends at latest 26 weeks after the expiration of your period with supplementary benefits.

If you quit your part-time before the end of the 30 weeks period, you must accept a 3 week quarantine, assumed that your termination can be qualified as self-inflicted unemployment.

Should you be fired from your part-time job, you will go back to receive unemployment benefits on normal terms with full-time benefits.

Best regards,

Anders Weber,
