you will soon graduate with a master degree,and therefore we recommend an A-kasse targeted high educated people.
Normally we say that there are 4 A-kasser targeted high educated people:
A-JKS (journalism/communication), CA A-kasse (business), and then the two interesting for you, which is MA A-kasse and Akademikernes.
Your discipline is Food Science and Technology, and I have read a little about the education. So, my recommendation would depend on what you are specialized in. If you are specialized in dairy engineering, or something related to engineering I would recommend Akademikernes. Akademikernes have among their members many traditional engineers.
If you are specialized in for instance food safety, processanalytical technology or food ingredients I would recommend MA A-kasse.
MA A-kasse has many members among people educated within natural sciences.
Both MA A-kasse and Akademikernes offers network, possibility to meet companies/employers, career counseling and help with CV/job application.
If you go with a dream about becoming an entrepreneur, then Akademikernes have a special 3 months course for unemployed members called "Start Up" (is held in Copenhagen).
Hope this clarifies things a little for you.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk