A-kasse for a natural science master student?

I am currently studying in a master in Food Science and Technology at the University of Copenhagen, and I am trying to decide which A-kasse would be the best for me.
I should have about 4-5 months left of studies.
I am currently working as a student and receiving SU.

Looking forward to some clarification and suggestions.
Best regards
in A-kasse for students by

1 Answer



you will soon graduate with a master degree,and therefore we recommend an A-kasse targeted high educated people.

Normally we say that there are 4 A-kasser targeted high educated people:

A-JKS (journalism/communication), CA A-kasse (business), and then the two interesting for you, which is MA A-kasse and Akademikernes.

Your discipline is Food Science and Technology, and I have read a little about the education. So, my recommendation would depend on what you are specialized in. If you are specialized in dairy engineering, or something related to engineering I would recommend Akademikernes. Akademikernes have among their members many traditional engineers.

If you are specialized in for instance food safety, processanalytical technology or food ingredients I would recommend MA A-kasse.

MA A-kasse has many members among people educated within natural sciences.

Both MA A-kasse and Akademikernes offers network, possibility to meet companies/employers, career counseling and help with CV/job application.

If you go with a dream about becoming an entrepreneur, then Akademikernes have a special 3 months course for unemployed members called "Start Up" (is held in Copenhagen).

Hope this clarifies things a little for you.

Best regards,

Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk

Hi Anders,

thank you for your reply.
It was very useful that you helped me narrow my choice to just two A-kasse possibilities.

As a note, I am enrolled in the master in Brewing Science and Technology, so I am not really sure if it is more close to one or the other A-kasse that you suggested, as it includes both engineering knowledge and analytical control and raw material knowledge and a lot of other subjects.

If you feel that based on this note you could have further suggestions, please do not hesitate to add them.
Otherwise I will just try and figure out which one could be the best for me, and go with that.

Best regards
Silvia Bragagnolo
Hi again,

I believe that Brewing Science and Technology has more to do with areas of natural science (microbiology and biochemistry) than with traditional engineering (construction, material Technology, building Physics), so if thats a correct perception, then I would recommend MA A-kasse for you.

If you find out later (after you have signed up with MA for instance) that another A-kasse suits you better, it is very easy to change from one A-kasse to another.

The most important is to sign up with an A-kasse, and you must do this at latest 14 days after graduation. However you can sign Up already now, it will be free of costs until you graduate.
You must sign Up as a student now, and when you graduate (at latest 14 days after) you tell your A-kasse that you want to be registered with graduate status. This will give you graduate rights.

Best regards,