you need to stay in Denmark, which means that you have an address in Denmark. I assume you are already registered with a CPR because you are currently study in Denmark (or have been before completing semester outside of Denmark).
I am not sure if you already are outside Denmark now to complete the semester, but you dont need to unregister from the danish CPR if you have 1 semester abroad, and in this case it is very easy to register your address again when returning to Denmark.
As you maybe have seen in our questions received from other users, this "residence" requirement is object for some doubt, and therefor we have today send a question to clarify this, to the The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (www.star.dk).
We will off course update you/this post with the information, when we receive answer from them (however it can take some days..).
But as far as we know at this point it is crucial that you actually stay in Denmark - you are not obliged to register an address in Denmark before after 3 months (non EU/EAA citizens) and after 6 months (EU/EAA citizens).
But if you are not public registered with an address, then you need to prove in other ways that you actually are staying in Denmark. We believe this could be a signed tenancy agreement or other documents proving you are in Denmark.
However we have asked STAR to exactly tell us what kind of documents/evidence the A-kasse can demand.
You need to provide the information when you apply for Unemployment benefits as an graduate from your A-kasse.
We will be back with an update as soon as we get the answer from STAR.
Best regards,
Anders, www.a-kasser.dk