your question regarding whether the 2 educations can merged together to be seen as 1 education, is out of the scope of our website to answer, but you must ask your A-kasse about this.
For answering this we need to know more about the education, and we can not know details about every education in Denmark.
Our knowledge is within the A-kasse area.
You can also read our answer to question from another user, about combining AP Degree with Top Up. Look here:
As we answer in this Q&A you could have been registered as graduate with graduate rights ("Dimittendrettigheder") after finishing AP Degree. After this you would then have had 2 years to apply for benefits according to the graduate rule/rate.
But you tell us that you have not been registered as graduate after the AP Degree, so now your only chance is to try to get the A-kasse accept that the two educations can be seen as one.
Best regards,
Anders, www.a-kasser.dk - "Get help about A-kasse"