the regulation is called "Bekendtgørelse om beskæftigelseskrav for lønmodtagere og dagpengeperiode" and you can find it here (it is only in danish): https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=142517
At our website we also have commented this regulation especially §16 which is relevant for your question, se here:
Work from abroad can be taken into account but only if you have been employed at usual pay and working conditions in the employment country. Your A-kasse will ask for paycheck(s), jobcontract etc. so they can check if the work has been on usual pay and working conditions.
Best regards,
the regulation is called "Bekendtgørelse om beskæftigelseskrav for lønmodtagere og dagpengeperiode" and you can find it here (it is only in danish): https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=142517
At our website we also have commented this regulation especially §16 which is relevant for your question, se here:
Work from abroad can be taken into account but only if you have been employed at usual pay and working conditions in the employment country. Your A-kasse will ask for paycheck(s), jobcontract etc. so they can check if the work has been on usual pay and working conditions.
Best regards,