It is a good idea to apply to an unemployment fund, before you have completely finished your course.
You tell you will finish in june. Therefor you can NOT apply for FREE membership for students, because for that you have to have more than 1 year left of study.
But you can use the special rule for new graduates.
It says that you can apply for membership up to 4 month before ending study and latest 2 weeks after.
You shall not pay for membership before from the day you ending study.
The 2 week rule is very important to fulfill, otherwise you will not could receive unemployment benefits under the favourable graduates rule.
You can apply for free study-membership if you continue with Master after finish BA.
How to apply for membership?, please look at our website:
Click on links or logos at our website to go to the A-kasse of your choice.
Best regards
It is a good idea to apply to an unemployment fund, before you have completely finished your course.
You tell you will finish in june. Therefor you can NOT apply for FREE membership for students, because for that you have to have more than 1 year left of study.
But you can use the special rule for new graduates.
It says that you can apply for membership up to 4 month before ending study and latest 2 weeks after.
You shall not pay for membership before from the day you ending study.
The 2 week rule is very important to fulfill, otherwise you will not could receive unemployment benefits under the favourable graduates rule.
You can apply for free study-membership if you continue with Master after finish BA.
How to apply for membership?, please look at our website:
Click on links or logos at our website to go to the A-kasse of your choice.
Best regards