I think this is out of the scope of what we will be able to help you with.
However I can tell you that for foreign income (income not received in Denmark) you will need to provide documentation to the A-kasse. Normally this would be monthly payment notes from your employer.
In Denmark it will only be income that you pay labour market contribution ("arbejdsmarkedsbidrag") of, that can be used to meet the income-requirement. This means that it is income obtained from a work-relation.
I see your "income" more as a present/grant, so I am not sure it can be counted to meet the income-requirement. You dont have an work-contract with the University, so I would not consider it as income obtained through a work-relation. It is not salary you get, but a grant/present.
You need to get this confirmed by an A-kasse in Denmark, or you could try to contact our public Authority responsible for unemployment benefits, www.star.dk.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk