Documenting Finland income for dagpenge + eligibility of 'grant' income

Thank you very much for your quick response, it was really helpful.

One other question I have related to this: do you know how my past wages in Finland would be determined by the Danish A-kasse?

My income is in the form of a grant, which is different to a normal salary here and taxed differently etc. There is a bit of a strange system here, where many people are working on these types of income at universities which are paid directly by external charitable organisations, and with no official employment duties to the university. The unemployment fund here determines my salary as having been the amount that I insure myself for with an organisation called Mela (which can optionally be far lower than the actual income). The amount is stored in some national database to be used for social security calculations here. But the tax authorities judge my salary as the full amount I receive regardless of the insurance level.

1. So, do you know whether my salary in Denmark would be determined according to information from work contracts, from the tax authorities, or information passed on from these databases that the Finnish social security organisations use? As this could make a big difference to what my income would be determined as.

2. Also, are you aware of any problems with declaring this type of income as a basis for dagpenge? i.e. would it be recognised as a wage that can be used as the basis for the calculations? I have a set monthly income, but am not officially contracted to work any particular number of hours as the agreement is more informal.

Many thanks.
in Dagpenge by

1 Answer



I think this is out of the scope of what we will be able to help you with.

However I can tell you that for foreign income (income not received in Denmark) you will need to provide documentation to the A-kasse. Normally this would be monthly payment notes from your employer.

In Denmark it will only be income that you pay labour market contribution ("arbejdsmarkedsbidrag") of, that can be used to meet the income-requirement. This means that it is income obtained from a work-relation.

I see your "income" more as a present/grant, so I am not sure it can be counted to meet the income-requirement. You dont have an work-contract with the University, so I would not consider it as income obtained through a work-relation. It is not salary you get, but a grant/present.

You need to get this confirmed by an A-kasse in Denmark, or you could try to contact our public Authority responsible for unemployment benefits,

Best regards,

Anders Weber,

Thanks very much for your advice - yes I understand it's a difficult question to answer for sure. I'll contact