Ask for benefits by mistake

On april 2014 i did a mistake online saying i need the benefeits from a-kasse as unemployer, but nowadays i'm working for 10 months ago in a full time contract.
in Dagpenge by

1 Answer


we are not sure about what you mean....
But if you tell us that you receive (or have received) unemployment benefits while at the same time have paid fulltime work, then this is not legal, and you have to pay back what you have received in benefits.

Please also notice that is not an A-kasse, we only compare the different A-kasser.

So maybe your question should have been sent to your A-kasse.

Please feel free to answer this post, if you have further question.

Best regards


I was very confused,thanks for your help, i will call my A-kasse as soon as possible.
The thing was that on april i did a mistake in and i aplyed as an unemployer to get the benefeits of a-kasse. I was very very lost. I was just looking for a new job but danish confuse me....Actually i didn't recived any money of a-kasse, just i have recived a lot of digital posts explaining what i have to do in my situation of uneemployer. I want to fix the problem because i'm working for more than 9 months. Yesterday i called job center and they told me i have to call a -kasse or send an e-mail explaining the mistake i did. I did a mistake another time sending a wrong e-mail to you. I supose i have to contact a-kasse from 3f that is what i'm paying each month.

So anyway thanks for all!

Mange tak!