we have answered you on email on the July 03, 2018.
However if you need more information that you can find in our website, you could try to look at
This website provides a lot of information about commuting from Sweden to Denmark, also information about A-kasse.
And more specific about being a "Member of a Danish a-kasse - if you work in Denmark", here:
The main rule is that people must be member in an A-kasse in the country where they work. In your case, you must be member of a danish A-kasse.
However, If you become unemployed, Sweden, as your country of residence, will pay benefits to you. You should register with Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish unemployment office) on your first day of unemployment.
But be aware that the articles on oresunddirekt.se are targeted EU-citizens.
Whether you will be eligible for Unemployment benefits ("dagpenge") as an non EU-citizens depends on several different factors.
As we wrote in our email to you, we can only recommend you to read our article about the requirements for being eligible for dagpenge (including special requirements for non EU-citizens). You find our article here:
hope this will help you.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk