from the date you started to receive unemployment benefits ("dagpenge") you have the right to receive dagpenge for 2 years within a 3-year period. Yes you can continue to receive your benefits after the 6 months part-time job. Actually it can be a advantage in several ways (in regarding to dagpenge) that you have this part-time job:
1. By working your total period where you can receive benefits will be longer than 2 years/3.848 hours in two ways:
- In the hours where you receive pay from your employer, you do not spend of the 3.848 hours, why the hours are added at the other end.
- The hours you work can be used to extend your current right to benefits. Every hour you work can be exchanged into 2 hours of benefits
2. I assume you are now receiving dagpenge as a graduate. As a graduate you can get your dagpenge amount recalculated after 6 months. If you have been working for at least 3 months/320 hours, you can in this way get a higher amount in dagpenge - but only after the 6 months period has ended. But in your situation this seem to be something you could take advantage of.
If you have at least 3 months/320 hours then your dagpenge amount will be calculated on basis of your income in this period with part-time job. If you have a monthly income (before tax) for at least DKK 22,503 (2018), then you can get the higest dagpenge amount (in danish called: "dagpengesats"). The calculation will be 90% of your income before tax, but a maximum of DKK 18,633.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk