the danish unemployment insurance is financed by three sources:
- All members of an Unemployment Insurance Fund ("A-kasse") pay, as part of their membership fee to the A-kasse, every month DKK 351 (2018). This is the insurance-fee. The insurance fee is fixed regardless of which A-kasse you are a member of. This is an income for the Danish State (not the individual A-kasser). This part covers between 27% to 56% of the total financing, depending on how you calculate this. Is it not possible to say exactly how much of the financing that are covered by this way, because while the number of A-kasse members are nearly the same every year (about 2.100.000), then there can be significant difference in the numbers of unemployed persons from year to year. The A-kasser receives the rest of the montly payment from the members, also called the administration fee. The administrations fee differs between the individual A-kasser from DKK 80 to DKK 236 per month.
- Beyond the insurance fee included in the membership, every person who have a paid job in Denmark also contribute to the Unemployment Insurance Scheme. This happens through the tax. All employees in Denmark pay 8% of their income in a tax called "arbejdsmarkedsbidrag" (in english: labourmarket-contribution). As said all employees pays this regardless of they are member of an A-kasse or not.
- The employers pay 2% of the financing.
There are some good explanations of the financing of the danish Unemployment Insurance Scheme online, but unfortunately the best and most precise is only in danish, for instance:
https://www.danskeakasser.com/hvem-betaler-dagpengene/ (from the danish association of A-kasser).
https://bm.dk/media/6122/nuvaerende-finansieringskilder-for-dagpengesystemet-pdf.pdf (from The Ministry of Employment).
If you think we can help you more, please comment on this.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk