A-kasse and Danish citizenship

Hi. EU citizen here. I've had residency permit in Denmark for over 10 years. Just finished an education with a job waiting for me next week. My union (3F) has been pressing me to join A-kasse at this critical junction, but I don't know if I can.

The problem is when I decide to make the move to get Danish citizenship, I know it is very important not to have had any prior social welfare benefits like dagpenge or kontanthjælp. I suspect A-kasse applies too, even if I just pay into it without benefitting from it. I could be wrong though hence why I am asking.

1 Answer



our main competencies and focus is NOT within the area of residence permit/citizenships, so therefore we strongly recommend that you get our answer verified by others also.

However, we can answer you according to what we think.

Normally - Unemployment benefits ("dagpenge") is not considered as social welfare benefits. You only get "Dagpenge" because you have paid for an insurance (Unemployment Insurance). Therefore you can compare this with other kinds of insurance.

In other areas, where the fact that you receive social benefits can have negative effects, it is only "Kontanthjælp" that will be counted.

In order to get a  work permit according to the "Establishment Card" Scheme, you are not allowed to receive Unemployment benefits as an graduate. But thats also the only case we know about, where the fact that you receive Dagpenge, can have negative effect. But even in this case, you just have to stop receiving Dagpenge, if you are approved for an "Establishment Card". It will not have a negative effect on your chance to get the Establishment Card.

We are 100% sure, that the fact you pay into A-kasse (without benefiting from it) will not in itself have negative effect on anything regarding your chance to get a danish citizenship.

I think 3F only set a little pressure on you, because they would like to have you as a full member (both Union and A-kasse).

Best regards,

Anders, www.a-kasser.dk
