According to the Nordic convention on social security (from 2014), Denmark is committed to use the rules for EU Nationals also on non-EU Nationals coming from one of the other Nordic countries who have been subject to the legislation in that country (normally you are when you have been living in that country).
This means that you have the same rights as an EU National regarding right to transfer periods of work and insurance obtained in Norway to Denmark.
"The same rights" mean that you must meet the requirements for transfering periods of work/insurance like other EU Nationals:
We have an article about theses requirements - but in Denmark this means
- you must apply for membership of an danish A-kasse within 8 weeks after you ceased to be insured in Norway AND
- within the 8 weeks you must begin work in Denmark of at least 296 hours over 12 weeks / 3 months.
The 296 hours requirement is special for Denmark, and is not seen in other EU Countries. (only Finland has also additional requirement of some period work before you can transfer rights).
If you within the last 5 years been entitled to Unemployment benefits in Denmark, or have received Unemployment benefits in Denmark you dont need to meet the 296 hours requirement. (this is also part of the Nordic Convention on Social Security).
All this mentioned above is only of relevance for you if you have pemit to work fulltime and stay in Denmark. So if you have working permit connected to specific job, and you loose this job you can not get unemployment benefits because you dont have right to work and stay in Denmark. It must be stated in your permit-document if you have right to work in the 3-6 months period after you loose job.
If you have meet the requirements for transfering rights, and you should decide to move to another Nordic country then you will be able to transfer your rights again to the new Nordic Country.
Your danish A-kasse, which you should be member of already if you have been in Denmark for more than 8 weeks, can tell you if any forms needed to transfer rights.
Hope it helps, otherwise please post a comment.
Best regards,
Anders, www.a-kasser.dk