sorry for late reply. We have had a problem with our mailserver provider.
If you loose your job within 1 year then you will be able to continue your membership.
And some A-kasser (not all) offer discount for unemployed members. But ask your A-kasse about that if you get unemployed.
The requirements for being eligible for unemployment benefits:
You have to have been member for 1 year (also periods with unemployment is counted), BUT
You also must have been working for at least 1 year (=1.924 hours) during the last 3 years. But be aware that only working hours/days from periods where you are member of an A-kasse is counted. So if you loose your job before you have been member for one year (and you have not have other membership-periods while working during the last 3 years), you have to wait not only for the 1 year membership period, but also until you get job again and have worked in total 1.924 hours.
Be aware that the rule (1.924 hours) for being eligible for benefits will be changed from 1. of july 2017, so it will NOT any longer be the hours who is important but your income during the last 3 years. So from 1. of july you must have earned 223.428 DKK during the last 3 years for being eligible for unemployment benefits.
We have write an article about the new rules which will come in effect from 1. of january and 1. of juli 2017. See article (in danish).