sorry for long respone-time, but when we got your question we decided to find out what is the rights for non-EEA graduates regarding rights to receiving unemployment benefits after graduation. We decided to send a formal question to "Center for Klager om Arbejdløshedsforsikring", which is the danish authority who is responsible for legislation about A-kasser and unemployment benefits. After two months we finally got answer from them.
According to their answer non-EEA graduates have limited possibilities to get unemployment benefits because the study-permit only includes limited work-permit (you are allowed to work 20 hours per week). To beíng eligible for unemployment benefits you must have FULL-time work-permit. BUT the study-permit gives you right to work FULL-time in the summerperiod (june, july and august).
Therefor - if you are available for taking a job with one workday notice - you can get unemployment benefits also as an non-EEA graduates. But off course only for few months (june, july and august).
After your question and the answer from the authority we have made a special article targeted non-EEA graduates and their rigths to enemployment benefits.
Best regards,