No permanent address in DK before education started

I will graduate in June, and I was considering joining the A-Kasser as a graduate (as I have less than 6months before graduation). However, due to a late acceptance from my University (January 31st), I only came to Denmark two weeks after the semester started (February 15th).

I know that one of the requirements to join the A-Kasser as a graduate is to have had a permanent address in Denmark at least one day before the education started, which I did not have. However, since my delayed arrival did not depend on me, can any exception be made?

Thank you in advance.
in A-kasse for graduates by

1 Answer


There are no rules in the legislation that allows for exemptions from the requirement of domicile and residence in Denmark immediately before the beginning of an education.

However, it is your a-kasse which, in first instance, must specifically decide whether the requirement for domicile and residence immediately before the beginning of an education is met. Unfortunately we dont have experience with similar cases like yours - so all we can say at this point is that you must rely in your A-kasse, that they are reasonable in their administration of the legislation.

We will now investigate further about your question. The main rule/requirement is clear that you have to had stay in Denmark at least one day before start of education. But we now ask our partners if there is any possible exception in the case it's not your own fault that you (could) not move before you got answer from University. Please be patient.
In the meantime, we recommend that you join an A-kasse. You will not have to pay before you are graduated - so you will not loose anything by a membership.
I don't think the A-kasse will ask you now. They will wait until they have to pay benefits (dagpenge) to check if you meet requirements, ie the requirement about stay in Denmark.

We will be back as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi again,
neither us or our partner know of similar cases like yours. We tried to ask one public authority, but they tell that it is a question only the A-kasse can answer.

We are aware that unemployment funds (A-kasser) in other questions on the right to unemployment benefits may take into account extenuating circumstances (eg. if its not depend on you).

However, as mentioned earlier if you not already has done so, you must sign up for a-kasse membership. When/if the times come when you need unemployment benefits you must wait to see what your A-kasse says.

BUT if you get negative answer from your A-kasse then you can always complain to the public authority who supervise and control all A-kasser in Denmark. It is called Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering (STAR,
One department in STAR takes care of complaints from citizens, you find their site about how to complain here: (Center for Klager om Arbejdsløshedsforsikring).

We think that all we know/can tell you about your question.

Best regards,