a-kasser moving to Denmark

I have been member of akassa in Sweden for more than last 1 year. and will be moving to Denmark to start my Post Doc. at SDU, Odense from 1 October 2015. I want to be member of  akassa in Denmark. Please let me know how can i register as i will move to Denmark end of this month.

in A-kasse membership by

1 Answer

thank you for your question.
The easy way to register is to go through our website (www.a-kasser.dk). You can compare price and read about each a-kasse.
By cliking on link or A-kasse logo you will come to the particulary A-kasse website and in most cases directly to their online form, where you can sign up for membership.
All A-kasser has today online sign up. You fill out your details and receive confirmation on email. You will be member from the day you apply.
Please tell the A-kasse that you have been member in Sweden. I think you can transfer this member-period to the danish A-kasse, which will be good for you if you become unemployed during the next year.

Best regards,