Privat Børne Pasning

Good morning,

I have questions about A-kasse for privatbornepasning.
It's completly new thing for me.
Could You recommend me some options?
I get dotation from Kopenhavn Kommune 75% for my salary, rest is from family.
I take care one child in my job.

Best wishes,
in Dagpenge by

1 Answer


You can become member of an A-kasse, but you should do that first when you get job without donation from the kommune.
For members of an A-kasse there is some conditions they have to meet before a member is eligible for unemployment benefits.
One of these is that you have to have worked 1924 hours (full time member) during the last 3 years.
BUT if the work have been supported by kommune - then this job do NOT count in the 1924 hours.

So therefor we think you should wait until you get normal full paid job OR if you start to study.
Thres is special rules for student - because study count in the 1924 hours.

Our answer to you is only valid if your employer get money/is supported from the kommune.

If you have the kommune as employer an get normal salary then off course that counts in the 1924 hours.

Please answer this post, if you need further help.

Best regards