A-kasse program


I would like to ask, what is actually the program for a person on dagpenge. I know, there are those meetings to attend and also job applications that have to be sent, but i have heard something about having to do community service work daily. So my question is, what does a person on dagpenge do throughout the day ?

I was not able to find anything about it, so that is why am i asking.

Thank you very much for you reply.
in Dagpenge by

1 Answer



we have an article (only in danish) on our website about the obligations and rights for an unemployed person who receives dagpenge.

As a start of point you must expect that being on dagpenge, means that you must accept what the Jobcenter/A-kasse find of jobs/activities for you (if you dont find any your self).

Normally this means

  • business practice (Virksomhedspraktik),
  • job where the public pay some of your salary (Ansættelse med løntilskud),
  • Guidance and qualification/education

However there is also one last option, which is called "nytteindsats" in danish. I think it is nytteindsats you have heard about. Nytteindsats means that an unemployed (normally on "kontanthjælp", not dagpenge) can be offered to do some work for the kommune he/she is living in.

When you are on dagpenge it is only possible for the Jobcenter to send you to "nytteindsats" if the JobCenter considers that there is doubt as to whether you have the will to participate actively in the employment effort.

We have an list of examples of work that kommuner have asked unemployed (mainly on kontanthjælp) to do under the "nytteindsats" option.

As dagpengemodtager you should not be concerned, that you can be required to do "nytteindsats". It is something that has only been used in very few cases since "nytteindsats" was introduced in 2015.

Best regards,

Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk

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