availability to work in the quarantine weeks
1 Answer
A quarantine can only be overcome during periods when you could have received unemployment benefit - if the quarantine had not been there.
In the quarantine period you must be fully available for the labor market and you have the same duties as if you were receiving dagpenge. This means you must search jobs, being able to take any job with 1 day notice, attend to meetings in A-kasse/Jobcenter etc.
So you can not go on vacation.
However the quarantine can also be overcome in 2 other ways:
- If you have not settled your quarantine within 3 months, the quarantine will lapse.
- If you work for a total of 185 hours, the quarantine (or the remaining part of it) lapses. As a part-time insured, you must have work for a number of hours that is equal to 5 times your average weekly working hours before you became unemployed.
Best regards,
Anders, www.a-kasser.dk