yes you can get dagpenge, because/if:
- you pay to A-kasse,
- have been member for over 1 year, and
- have earned at least DKK 238,512 before tax, during the last 3 years (in total),
The maternity leave just pause everything/extends the 3 years period where you must have earned DKK 238,512. The 6 months maternity leave paid by your employer counts in this sense as normal salary.
However, you must be aware that if you quit your job your self, then you will get a 3 week quarantine.
If you receive dagpenge, you must be available for the labor-market. If your pregnancy related problems still is current, it will be a probem to get dagpenge, if you are not considered to be available for taking a job with one day notice. If thats the case, then it is probably not dagpenge, you should apply for, but sygedagpenge or some other social assistance.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, www.a-kasser.dk