

Interdisciplinary A-kasser

In 2025 there will be 10 "interdisciplinary" A-kasser in Denmark.

They admit EVERYONE as a member REGARDLESS of the industry.
Therefore you can also always keep your membership, regardless of whether you later change job.

If you want ONLY A-kasse, you can easily choose one of the cheap ones (see who it is below), as you will always have the same rights regardless of which A-kasse you are a member of. Your rights to unemployment benefits etc. is guaranteed in the legislation and paid by the State.

If, on the other hand, you want both A-kasse and trade union, you must decide what you need.
You can see our section on double membership of A-kasse and Union.

More about the interdisciplinary A-kasser:

FTFa DKK 503/month

FTFa A-kasse - klik for at blive medlem

"FTF A-kasse" is in 2025 the cheapest of the interdisciplinary A-kasser.
It is interdisciplinary and therefore enrolls all employees and self-employed as members regardless of industry.

Is union offered? No, but FTF is the main organization for a number of professional organisations.
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes.

Sign Up for FTFa online

Det Faglige Hus A-kasse DKK 511/month

Det faglige Hus is experiencing great progress both for A-kasse and the trade union

Enrolls EVERYONE regardless of professional field or job type.

Is union offered? yes, for DKK 69/month
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes, but only if you are a member of both trade union and A-kasse in Det Faglige Hus.

Sign Up for "Det Faglige Hus" online

Min A-kasse DKK 524/month

Min A-kasse is a good choice for IT professionals and people working with sales/marketing

"Min A-kasse" is a good choice for IT professionals and people working with sales/marketing.
All employees and self-employed can become a member, regardless of industry.

Is union offered? No
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Sign Up for "Min A-kasse" online

ASE A-kasse DKK 542/month

ASE A-kasse - klik for at blive medlem

Enrolls EVERYONE regardless of professional field or job type.
"ASE" has so far been best known for being the self-employed's A-kasse, but today is ASE both for employees and self-employed.

Is union offered? yes, for DKK 74/month, if you are an employee. If you are self-employed, you can buy HR Law for DKK 99/month
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Sign Up for ASE online

A-kassen Frie DKK 533/month

A-kassen Frie

FRIE (formerly "Frie Funktionærer") admits everyone as members from 2019, both in their A-kasse and trade union.

Is union offered? yes, for DKK 139/month
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Sign Up for "Frie" online

MA A-kasse DKK 544/month

MA A-kasse is targeted at highly educated people

MA A-kasse is targeted at highly educated people, especially within the humanities and natural sciences.

Is union offered? no, but they have a close collaboration with DM.
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Sign Up for MA A-kasse online

KRIFA A-kasse DKK 538/month

Krifa A-kasse

Enrolls EVERYONE regardless of professional field or job type.
"Krifa" is a collective term for Christian Trade Union (Kristelig fagforening) and Christian A-kasse (Kristelig A-kasse).

Is union offered? yes, for DKK 150/month
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Read more about Krifa

CA A-kasse DKK 543/month

CA A-kasse

CA targets highly educated members within business, management, finance, communication and HR.

Is union offered? no - but possible to buy CA+ for DKK 55/month. CA+ is primarily legal assistance.
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes

Sign Up for CA A-kasse online

AJKS DKK 496/month

A-kassen for journalistik, kommunikation og sprog

"AJKS - A-kassen for journalism, communication and language" mainly has members among journalists, photographers, press photographers, graphic artists, production employees, web editors, visual artists, writers, communication and information workers.

Is union offered? nej
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes, but only for members of the trade unions "Dansk Journalist Forbund" or "Kommunikation og Sprog".

Sign Up for AJKS online

Lederne A-kasse DKK 518/month

Lederne A-kasse is targeted at managers

Lederne A-kasse is targeted at managers and particularly trusted employees.

Is union offered? yes for DKK 227/month, but only for you who are a manager, future manager or a particularly trusted employee.
Is extra Wage insurance (Lønsikring) offered? yes, but only for members who are members of BOTH Lederne Union and Lederne A-kasse.

Sign Up for Lederne online

Main topics about A-kasse

Transferring periods of work and insurance from another EEA CountryAs an EU citizen you can transfer acquired rights from Unemployment Insurance between EU contries. Be aware that there are some requirements and deadlines that are important to meet. And you have to use a PD U1 Form. Read more here..
Transferring unemployment benefitsUnder certain conditions you can go to another EU country to look for work and continue to receive your unemployment benefits from the country where you became unemployed. And you have to use a PD U2 Form. Read more here..
Unemployment benefits ("dagpenge")Remember you have to be member of an A-kasse for 1 year before you can claim Unemployment benefits ("dagpenge"). And you must meet the income-requirement. Read more here..
International graduatesGraduates in Denmark can get Unemployment benefits from the first day after graduation, if they have been member as student of an A-kasse for at least 1 year. Read more...
Residence CardIf you are a non-EU citizen you must have a residence Card which allows you to take any job with one day notice. This is because you must be available for the labor market for being eligible for unemployment benefits ("dagpenge").
Membership fee and taxYou will automatically get a deduction in your tax for your fee to the A-kasse and trade union. There is no ceiling on the amount you can get a deduction for when it comes to contributions to A-kasse, whereas you can get a maximum deduction of DKK 7,000 for a trade union.