

Job after graduating – new rule

Q&A om A-kasse Fora In english Job after graduating – new rule

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  • #653
    Emily Hüther

    I graduated in January 2023, but worked 30 h/week until end of June 2023, so I applied for dagpenge in July 2023. Because I graduated before the rule changed in May 2023, I expected to get the benefits for 2 years, but apparently it matters when you applied, so I am considered a graduate after May, which I wasn’t aware until now. They sent me a letter saying that my benefits are running out in July 2024 and unfortunately I still can’t find a job. Is there any possibility to change this to 2 years? I have found the aggregation rule and I fulfil the income criteria, but I am not sure if I can change this now or should have done it when I applied for dagpenge. Is there any possibility to extend the benefits to 2 years? It’s the first time I am getting dagpenge, I am a EU-citizen and I am getting more money than graduates normally get due to my work experience after graduating.



    as you already are in a “dagpenge”-period, you can only get better conditions if you qualify for a new period with dagpenge.

    However, because you have not worked since you started to receive dagpenge, you will not be able to meet the requirements for getting a new period with dagpenge.

    You can not use the aggregation rule anymore, since you have used your education to get dagpenge as a graduate after the graduate rule. An education can not be used two times as a basis for getting dagpenge.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

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