I assume what you have received from the A-kasse is a “indbetalingskort”.
You can go to the bank and them to pay it from your account. However they will take som fee for that.
What you should do is to log in to your netbank (your banks online platform), and from there you can
choose to pay “indbetalingskort”. There should be a logical formular explaining how you do the payment.
Next, for future payments, I will recommend you to register the payment with “Betalingsservice” – this can also be done in your netbank.
By doing this the payment to A-kasse will automatically be deducted/paid from your account 4 times per year.
If you have difficult with register “Betalingsservice”, you can ask your bank to do it. just bring the latest “indbetalingskort” and they can register the payment.
Be aware that you must pay “indbetalingskort” until you can see amount to A-kasse on the monthly “Betalingsservice”-statement.
If you have received the invoice late june/first july and pay now it will be fine. The A-kasse have to send you a reminder letter. And they must give you 3 weeks payment deadline before they can cancel your memberhsip.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk