Q&A om A-kasse › Fora › In english › Holidays on dagpenge
Tagget: dagpenge, ferie, feriedagpenge, holiday days, holidays
- Dette emne har 1 svar og 2 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 5 måneder, 2 uger siden af support.
7. september 2024 kl. 14:57 #695Mirian AlewanDeltager
Hello everyone,
here is the description of my situation. I have been on dagpenge for some months but finally I have found job and I start in 2 weeks. During my time on dagpenge I didn’t use much of my holiday days from a-kasse and I have around 18 days left. I will not use them before I start my work but I have a question: Can I use my holidays from a-kasse and take my earned feriedagpenge after I shut down with jobcenter and dagpenge? All I got to know from my a-kasse that I have to use them before December 2024 and they do not transfer to the next year.
Can I perhaps book the holidays now when I’m still officially on a-kasse but for the future time? Can I just claim the money and say that I will use them on holidays at my new job that I might take this year before December? Can I just perhaps book the holidays but keep on working on my new job? My new job will be full-time (37h) and fixed monthly pay and classic holiday law from the Holiday Act.What’s the best solution to my situation to claim and not loose those earned days?
Thank you much in advance,Mirian
9. september 2024 kl. 11:48 #697supportKeymasterHi,
when you are member of an A-kasse and have got paid out Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) you also have earned right to get “feriedagpenge” you can get paid, when you have holiday.
For each month, you earn the right to 2.08 days of holiday pay (“feriedagpenge”) if, as a full-time insured, you have been paid benefits for 160.33 hours.
You have the right to get the feriedagpenge paid regardless of whether you are unemployed or in job, when you take the holiday.
The “feriedagpenge” can be used also after you have deregistered from the Jobcenter. However you can only get feriedagpenge paid if you are member of an A-kasse and have the right to unemployment benefit in the event of unemployment at the time you want to have holiday. This means that you must meet the requirements for being eligible for Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) when you want to take holiday.
You must also be aware, that if you have accrued holiday days from an employer, you must take these holiday days before you can get feriedagpenge from the A-kasse.
And if you are entitled to holiday with salary or holiday allowance from your employer, you can not at the same time get feriedagpenge from the A-kasse.As the A-kasse has told you, it is correct that you must use the feriedagpenge in the period from September 1 to December 31.
You can off course only get feriedagpenge paid at earlist at the time you have the holiday, and off course only if you really take holiday (not working).
Hope it helps.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk
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