Q&A om A-kasse › Fora › In english › Holiday during unemployment benefits
Tagget: holiday benefits
- Dette emne har 1 svar og 2 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 3 år, 5 måneder siden af support.
30. august 2021 kl. 10:47 #263DeepDeltager
Is it compulsory to take holiday benefits? I have obtained 23 days holiday, I have not taken holiday yet because of risk of corona. I am avoiding travel to other countries. My unemployment benefits will expire soon so that i am focusing to get job anyhow.
What will happen if i don’t take holiday benefits? If I don’t take holiday amount now where does the amount go?
Best regards,
Nabadit31. august 2021 kl. 12:55 #264supportKeymasterHi,
I assume you talk about the holiday with “feriedagpenge” you earn as unemployed on dagpenge.
No, there is no obligation to take the earned holiday days with holiday benefits from the A-kasse.Some definitions:
The holiday year(Ferieåret) is the year in which the right to 5 weeks paid holiday is earned. A person on dagpenge also earns right to 5 weeks holiday with “feriedagpenge”.The holiday year is the year that runs from 1 September to 31 August of the following year (12 months).
Earnings of holiday benefits/days are done on an ongoing basis and monthly during the holiday year.
The right to holiday benefits (feriedagpenge) is a conditional right, meaning that there are some conditions you must meet before you can get the holiday benefits paid.
The earned days with holiday benefits are held during the holiday period (ferieafholdelsesperioden), which runs until 31 December after the end of the holiday year (16 months). This means that holidays earned in the period 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 can be taken in the period 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2021.
Its possible to save up days, but they must be held within the end of the “ferieafholdelsesperiode”.
It’s not possible to transfer holiday benefits/days to the following holiday year, nor can a cash payment be made after the end of the holiday year for unpaid days with the right to holiday benefits.
So if you dont take holiday before 31 December 2021, the days/holiday benefits will be lost. And You must apply for holiday benefits no later than 31 January of the following holiday year. Ie. on 31 January 2022 for holidays that you have taken in the period 01.09.20-31.12.21. If you apply later, you will lose the right to them.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk
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