from 1. july 2017 there came new rules into force.
if your (first) unemployment period in CA A-kasse expired before July 1, 2017 then you have to meet the income-requirement if you want to earn a new period with dagpenge.
if your (first) unemployment period in CA A-kasse expired after July 1, 2017, then you will be covered by the new rules, and this means that you can use the employement requirement (beskæftigelseskravet) to earn a new right to dagpenge, but ONLY if you:
- have a current right to dagpenge OR
- have working hours registered on your “beskæftigelseskonto”. You can see if you have registered hours at Jobnet.dk
The employment requirement is only possible if you DO NOT have interrupted A-kasse membership periods. So if you had a period between membership of CA A-kasse and AKA without membership, Then You must meet the normal requirements for “first time” unemployed. This means that you must have been member for 1 year and meet the income-requirement.
But be aware that the income-requirement tell you must have earned DKK 243,996 over the last 3 years in total. But only periods where you have been member of A-kasse can be included in the income-requirement.
Let me know if you have some comments.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk