Q&A om A-kasse › Fora › Dagpenge › freelance or temporary work and dagpenge
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30. december 2024 kl. 21:11 #747Edie77Deltager
I might have the possibility of doing some fixed-term work while I am unemployed and receiving dagpenge through A-Kasse. I was previously employed full time and my position was made redundant. I am unclear about whether this is possible.– I understand that one can work a maximum number of hours while still being entitled to dagpenge. However, I don’t understand if A-kasse calculates the value of each hour worked at 200 dkk but the hourly rate paid is higher, let’s say 800 dkk, how would this be counted? If I worked 8 hours at 800 dkk per hour, would these be ‘translated’ into 32 hours at 200 dkk?
– I understand that while taking any work while on dagpenge I need to be available to drop whatever temp work I’m doing to take up employment. Is it possible to suspend the dagpenge for a time and then resume it?
– I am now on dagpenge after full-time employment. Were I to take up a fixed-term work as a self-employed contractor, when this finishes would I still be entitled to A-kasse dagpenge or would this disqualify me?
I’m trying to understand if it is possible to do a fixed term project work without losing the right to A-kasse dagpenge, so that I might keep relevant experience and improve my CV while unemployed and looking for the next full time employment. I am happy not to receive dagpenge while I do some other temp work, but it’s important for me not to make a mistake and drop off the system.
3. januar 2025 kl. 16:28 #748supportKeymasterHi,
1. If your employer reports your paid hours to eIndkomst as A-income (“A-indkomst”), these are the hours that your A-kasse uses for the deduction from your unemployment benefits. This is why you must state this number of working hours on your unemployment benefits card. So, it dosen’t matter that your salary is DKK 800 per hours, as long as your salary is reported as a number of hours. For one hour work (value DKK 800) you will lose 1 hour of unemployment benefit.
2. Yes, you can register as employed (not unemployed anymore) at Jobnet.dk and tell your A-kasse that you are now working and don’t want to receive dagpenge. You will keep your current dagpenge-period of two years with dagpenge which must be used within 3 years.
When you again register as unemployed at Jobnet.dk and apply for dagpenge in your A-kasse, you will continue from where you left in the current dagpenge-period and get paid the rest of the 2-year period.3. I am not sure I fully understand your third question. If you ask about whether you can work as self-employed, the answer is yes its possible without losing right to unemployment benefits afterwards. All forms of income are assessed equally – and collectively – in relation to fulfilling rights within unemployment insurance. However there is s a mandatory waiting period after finishing of self-employment as main employment. This means that you cannot receive dagpenge from the date of termination of the company and three weeks thereafter. Furthermore there is a rule saying that you can only start up as self-employed one time in every dagpenge-period without consequenses.
I strongly advice you to also ask your A-kasse the same questions. The rules can be complicated/detailed and especially if you want to start up as self-employed there can be some different options for you.
Let me know if you have further questions.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk9. januar 2025 kl. 11:49 #750Edie77DeltagerDear Anders,
many thanks for your reply and for your suggestion to contact my A-Kasse. I have done that but I am still waiting for a reply and this is getting quite urgent.The point is that this company is based in another EU country and since the work is project-based, they would not employ me as a full-time employee. Therefore, my understanding is that if I want to collaborate on this project I have to do it freelance from Denmark and invoice them for the work. Unless there is another way to do this that I am not aware of?
Further to your explanations.
– Can I register as “employed” even if I take the work as a self-employed person and suspend my dagpenge?
– Could you better explain about the waiting period? I know that the project will have a duration of a couple of months, so when this is finished I will have no right to any money for another month? Is there another way I can register this work to avoid this? It doesn’t make much sense to work for 2 months and then receive nothing for a month because of the waiting period.What are the options you mention in your last paragraph? I am not aware of them.
Thank you again,
10. januar 2025 kl. 14:07 #751supportKeymasterHi,
if you only work part-time (whether as salaried person or self-employed) its possible to get supplementary unemployment benefits (“supplerende dagpenge”) for up to 30 weeks. However this is only possible if you still can be fully available for the labor market, meaning you must apply for jobs, come to meetings at the A-kasse, Jobcenter etc. You must be able to take any job with one day notice.
If your (temporary) job or self-employment means that you can not at the same time be available for the labor market, then you must cancel registration as unemployed at Jobnet.dk. The rules say that if you get a full-time job for more than 14 days you must cancel registration as unemployed at Jobnet.dk.
Yes, when you cancel registration as unemployed at jobnet.dk, the A-kasse dosen’t care about what you are doing, you can work as salaried, self-employed, take holiday, take education etc. The A-kasse get notified by the Jobcenter that you dont want to receive dagpenge anymore (because of employment). As already mentioned when you register as unemployed again, you will resume the payment of dagpenge from where you left in the 2-year period.
The 3 weeks waiting period apply when a person stops with self-employment as a full-time/main activity. If a person stops after having only worked as self-employed as a sidejob (“bibeskæftigelse”), the 3 weeks waiting period does not apply.
This means that if you can get your project-based work recognised as “bibeskæftigelse” or as salaried work then you will not have the 3 weeks waiting period as a self-employed person. If your contract is fixed-termed, then you will also not get a 3 weeks quarantine for self-inflicted unemployment as a salaried person.
Normally the A-kasse see freelance work as salaried work – but its an assesment that the A-kasse do in each case.
The option I refer to is the option to start up as self-employed while at the same time receiving supplementary Unemployment benefits. This is only possible if the A-kasse can accept your self-employment as a sidejob (“bibeskæftigelse”). In that case you can get supplementary benefits for up to 30 weeks.
I hope it helps you – but again this is something that your A-kasse should be able to guide you about.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk
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