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  • som svar til: Graduate & A kasse #90


    if you have been working and have had income during studies, then you (maybe) have two options regarding A-kasse.

    If you meet the income-requirement as wage-earner, then you can register as “normal” unemployed and get the unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) paid out based on your previous income. This will often result in a higher amount compared to the benefits you will get paid as newly graduate. You can read more about the requirements, including the income-requirement here.

    However if you only have had part-time job, and therefor don’t have a “normal” income to use as base for calculation of dagpenge, then it will be better for you to register as newly graduated and get the graduate benefits.

    You can get dagpenge from the day you stop working, regardless of when the last salary is paid out. But I don’t understand why you have to stop on one of the first days in the new year…so you will get paid for 3 days or what? If you are in a notice period and get paid for full january, then you are regarded as still working and can therefore not get dagpenge before from February 1.

    Remember: if you conclude that the best/only option for you is to register as newly graduated, the you must do this at latest 14 days after graduation.

    Let me know if you have any comments.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Readmission and proof of arrival #88


    An education of more than 18 months or 3 semi-annual semesters, which is interrupted and later resumed and completed, meets the conditions for giving right to unemployment benefits after the graduate rule.

    Off course provided that you meet the other requirements for being eligbile as graduate. And you are right one of them is that you must have stayed in Denmark right before starting the education and again at latest 14 days after graduation. The fact that you have stayed outside Denmark during the education is not a problem.

    It is the arrival date in 2012 which is important/relevant regarding your right to unemployment benefits.

    What kind of proof the A-kasse will ask you, I can not say for sure. Normally a tenant-agreement will be a good proof. When CPR was registered is not relevant in this regard.

    best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Benefits after masters degree #86


    yes if the master in it self meets the requirements for giving right to Unemployment benefits as graduate.

    This means that the master must have a duration of at least 18 months (3 semestres), it must be public recognized (if you can receive SU during master studiy it is also public recognized).

    A “normal” master degree from a danish University will meet the requirements, and can therefor give right to a new 2-year period with dagpenge after the graduate rule.

    Let me know if you have comments.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse for EUD #84

    Hej Gitte,

    En EUX-uddannelsen giver både erhvervskompetence og generel studie-kompetence. Derfor giver en gennemført EUX-uddannelse ret til dagpenge på dimittendvilkår.

    Der gælder dog at det kun er en fuld EUX der giver ret til dimittend-dagpenge.

    Gennemfører man kun “gymnasiedelen” (den studieforberedende del) giver EUX ikke ret til dimittend-dagpenge. Ligesom andre gymnasiale uddannelser heller ikke giver ret til dimittend-dagpenge.

    At en uddannelse giver ret til dimittend-dagpenge, betyder også at du kan få gratis medlemskab i A-kassen som studerende.

    Du har ret til op til 5 års gratis medlemskab som studerende. Så du kan melde dig ind nu eller vente lidt.

    Det er dog vigtigt at du seneste melder dig ind i A-kasse 1 år før du bliver færdig med din EUX.

    Har man været medlem i mindst 1 år når man dimitterer, undgår man den normale 1 måneds karens. Og dermed vil du kunne få dagpenge fra dag 1 efter du er færdiguddannet.

    Håber svaret hjælper dig.

    Med venlig hilsen

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Unemployment for period between jobs #82


    it will be an individual decision made by your A-kasse, whether you are considered available for the labor market or not in the 1 month period between your jobs.

    This situation is categorised as “doubts about availability in an interim period”.

    The legislation is in “bekendtgørelse om rådighed” §31.

    The start of point (in the law) is that you are cosidered NOT to have a real intention of finding a job in the interim. The termination of your current job is due to your specific future plans/future obligations with your new job.
    And therefore you are not available for the labor market, and can not receive dagpenge.

    However these cases are due to an individual assesment made by your A-kasse.

    best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-Kasse Part-time job #78


    you can have A-kasse membership also with a part-time job.

    But you must be aware of the following:

    1. if you sign up for a normal full-time membership you must also – in case you get unemployed and apply for unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) – be able to/and ready to be full available for the labor-market, meaning that you must apply for full-time jobs, and can take any full-time job with one day notice.
    2. If you work less than 30 hours per week, you instead have the option sign up for part-time A-kasse membership. In this case you also only need to available part-time for the labor-market in case you apply for dagpenge. Part-time A-kasse membership is a little cheaper but you will also receive less in dagpenge. You can see the current rates here.
    3. But for being eligbile for dagpengeret you must meet the income-requirement. The income-requirement states that you must earn/have a income of at least DKK 238,512 during the last 3 years (in total) for full-time insured or DKK 159,012 if you are part-time insured. Only periods where you have been member of A-kasse can be included to meet the income-requirement.
    4. If you only have little income, it can take long time to have earned enough to meet the income-requirement.

    So yes, its definately possible to have A-kasse with part-time job, but its important you consider the different aspect pointed out above before you sign up or when choosing between part-time or full-time A-kasse membership.

    You are welcome to post your comments.

    Which A-kasse I will recommend?

    It depends of your preferences – if you only want A-kasse, we recommend FTFa.

    If you want A-kasse with cheap Union we recommend KRIFA.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,



    yes, you are right about what we write on our website. And that’s why I asked, because I had to find out if you are still in a current dagpenge-period (which you seem to be). In this case it is the working hours requirement (“beskæftigelseskravet”) you must fullfill to earn a new 2-year dagpenge-period.

    The relevant legislation is “Bekendtgørelse om indkomst- og beskæftigelseskravet for ret til dagpenge“, § 14.

    According to §14, stk.1 it is a condition in order for paid hours to be included in the calculation of the employment requirement (“beskæftigelseskravet”), that the hours have been reported to the income register, cf. the Income Register Act (“lov om et indkomstregister.”).

    However §14, stk. 3 states:

    If the member has not got registered a sufficient number of paid hours to meet the employment requirement at the time when the A-kasse is required to calculate the number of employment hours, pay hours that are in the reporting period in which unemployment occurs can also be included in the employment requirement.

    In these cases, the A-kasse must wait for the registration for the reporting period in which the unemployment occurs. If the member then meets the employment requirement, it will be possible to postpay unemployment benefits from the date where the unemployment occured, if the other conditions for payment are met.

    So I will recommend you to try – when you talk with your A-kasse, to point to these paragrahs in the law.

    You are welcome to post the result here.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,



    normally for being eligible for unemployment benefits you must meet the income-requirement, i.e. its not the working hours that is of interest but the income you have earned.

    However, you tell that you was receiving dagpenge (A-kasse benefits) before you started master studies, and that you have been working part time during your studies.

    I need more information, before I can give you an answer:

    • When did you start master study?
    • How many years did the master take to complete?
    • Were you still in the 2-year dagpenge-period when you started master? If yes how much was left of the period?
    • Do you have working hours registered on your beskæftigelseskonto? You can see this on
    • Have your A-kasse told you that you must earn right to dagpenge by working hours (1.924) and not earned income?

    Let me know this, then I can probably give you a more precise answer.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: family business #76


    after a change in the law regarding unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) for self-employed in 2018, it is no longer impossible to start your own company while you are receiving dagpenge.

    However there are off course some requirements. It is only possible if it will be your side employment (“bibeskæftigelse”), and also you must be full available for the labor-market, meaning that you must be able to start a full-time job with one day notice, and you have to apply for jobs etc. This is only possible if you with one day notice can move your working hours and work tasks in your company. If your A-kasse can see that you for example are contractually obliged to perform work at specific hours every day or some days, then you are not full available for the labor-market, and your business will therefor not be approved as your side employment.

    If your business can be approved by the A-kasse as your side employment (and not full time employment), then you can also get supplementary benefits (“supplerende dagpenge”). You can get supplerende dagpenge for maximum 30 weeks.

    If you work in your wifes personally owned company (not Aps or Aps), and you have a salary-contract, you will be considered as wage-earner. The salary-contract must comply with kildeskatteloven § 25a, which means that you pay A-skat, ATP and arbejdsmarkedsbidrag, in other words a normal salary-contract.

    In this case you will be able to get supplementary benefits as wage-earner, if you can be fully available for the labor-market, and you can stop with one-day notice in your wifes company.

    Working in your wifes company in other cases that the mentioned, for example in a A/S or APS where she own 50% or more, means that you are considered as self-employed, in relation to A-kasse. In this case you can only get supplementary benefits if your self-employment can be regarded as your side employment.

    I will recommend you to get this confirmed by your A-kasse.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Dagpenge fra turistbranchen uddannelsen #72


    Umiddelbart opfylder din uddannelse betingelserne, om en varighed på mindst 18 måneder og at den skal være offentligt anerkendt. Den er offentligt anerkendt hvis den berettiger til SU – og det har du oplyst at uddannelsen er.

    Det er ikke en hindring for at kunne få dimittend-dagpenge, at uddannelsen er taget i Spanien, men du skal opfylde et krav der siger at du skal have boet i Danmark umiddelbart inden du startede uddannelsen, og igen senest 14 dage efter du afslutter uddannelsen.

    Du kan melde dig ind i FTFa – de samarbejder med Turistførerforeningen.

    Læs mere om FTFa og meld dig ind her. Det er gratis så længe du er studerende.

    Med venlig hilsen

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Do I owe to Danish government if I get A-Kasse? #69


    I assume that you are currently a member of A-kasse, and also that you meet the requirements for being eligible for Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”).

    And since you have a permanent resident visa, you seem to meet all conditions.

    If you also, while receiving dagpenge, do what you have to do, this means applying for jobs, come to meetings in A-kasse/Jobcenter etc., then you will receive dagpenge fully legally, and therefor you can never be asked to pay anything back to the Danish State or the A-kasse.

    You can compare A-kasse membership with other insurances you buy. You pay some fee for some time, and you may use the insurance or not, but in case you need to use the insurance, then you will get paid, but you do not have to pay back later.

    You can post a comment if you need further information.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,



    Valg af A-kasse

    jeg kan forstå at det er en lang videregående uddannelse du er i gang med.

    Jeg forventer også at du satser mod ansættelse i det private erhvervsliv.

    Derfor synes jeg du skal vælge en A-kasse målretttet højtuddannede, idet de tilbyder deres ledige medlemmer events og arrangementer, bl.a. møder med virksomheder, som er beregnet for højtuddannede. Ligesom A-kasser målrettet højtuddannede, bedre kan hjælpe dig med at finde job tilpasset dit uddannelsesniveau, via deres netværk m.m.

    Ud fra ovennævnte vil det være vores opfattelse at en A-kasse som “CA A-kasse” vil passe godt til dig. De markedsfører sig med at være “A-kasse for højtuddannede i erhvervslivet”. Desuden nævner de selv marketing på deres hjemmeside, som et af de områder de dækker/har medlemmer fra.

    Der findes, som du nok ved, andre A-kasser der er målrettet højtuddannede. Det er MA A-kasse og Akademikernes A-kasse, men begge disse A-kasser har som primære målgrupper andre end marketing-folk som dig.

    Bemærk at dine rettigheder – i hverfald rent lovgivningsmæssigt – er de samme uanset hvilken A-kasse du vælger. Der kan selvfølgelig være forskel i hvordan A-kasserne vurderer din sag i forskellige situationer.

    Betingelser for at kunne få dagpenge efter endt uddannelse

    Det er rigtigt at det havde været en fordel for dig, hvis du havde været medlem af en A-kasse i mindst 1 år når du afslutter din uddannelse. Herved kunne du have undgået at få en 1 måneds venteperiode. Da du ikke har været medlem under studietiden, kan du ikke få dagpenge den første måned efter afslutning af uddannelsen.

    Det er stadig vigtigt for dig at du husker at melde dig ind i en A-kasse senest 14 dage efter afslutning af uddannelsen, ligesom du skal melde dig ledig på

    De kan stadig på nuværende tidspunkt melde dig ind som studerende (det er gratis medlemskab). Du skal således ikke begynde at betale kontingent før du er færdiguddannet.

    Melder du dig ind nu skal du stadig huske at skifte status til dimittend senest 14 dage efter afslutning af uddannelsen.

    Håber dette hjælper dig lidt.

    Med venlig hilsen


    som svar til: Maternity benefits when you are a student #67


    on the date you plan to go on maternity leave, you must still be within a period of 3 years since you initially was approved for the 2-year dagpengeperiod. The 3 year is the maximum period within which the 2 years with dagpenge must be used.

    But if you have no problem with keeping within 3 year, then your 2-years dagpenge period is paused when you start master study. And after 1 year study you can register as unemployed again an take leave from study. If you take leave from study you are considered as unemployed in relation to requirements for getting maternity leave benefits. You must be able to document the leave when you apply for maternity benefits.

    If you only have used 1.5 years, then you are still in a 2 year period with dagpenge. Regardless of how close you are to the end of the 2 year period, then you meet the requirements for getting maternity leave benefits (“barselsdagpenge”). In other words, if you can receive Unemployment benefits (dagpenge) when you go on maternity leave, then you can also get barselsdagpenge.

    In the period with barselsdagpenge, the 3 years maximum reference period is paused/extended with the maternity leave period.

    It’s not the A-kasse who pay out barselsdagpenge, but “Udbetaling Danmark”. However you must inform the A-kasse that you plan to go on maternity leave. Then the A-kasse will inform “Udbetaling Danmark”.

    A 2 years master, if its SU-eligible, should give you a new right as graduate. So with a completed master you can register as newly graduate again in the A-kasse, and get a new 2-year period with dagpenge.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse abroad #64


    1. You must be in Denmark at latest 2 weeks after graduation, to be able to use the graduate rule/get graduate rights in the A-kasse.
    2. There are no requirements saying that you need CPR or permanent address. Staying at friends is ok. However keeping CPR as you plan to do, is a good idea, because it makes everything more easy.
    3. The conditions for using the 3 months jobsearch in another EU-country with dagpenge from a danish A-kasse, is mentioned in this article. You must be entitled to receive dagpenge, this means that you must stay in Denmark, when you apply for the 3 months jobsearch period. As a start of point you need to be registered as unemployed for 4 weeks before you can use the jobsearch-rule. However see in the article about exemptions, i.e. for newly graduates.
    4. If you have been member of A-kasse at least 1 year before graduation you are entitled to receive dagpenge from the first day of unemployment (mening no waiting period). In this case you will get your first payment from the A-kasse January 31, 2021. In the 4 weeks period you are registered as unemployed in Denmark and you are under the normal unemployment rules, meaning that you need to apply for jobs, however you can apply for jobs in Denmark and abroad. You can even go to jobintervies in another country if you inform the A-kasse about it.

    Hope it helps you. You are welcome to ask again, if you still are in doubt about your rights.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse abroad #62


    regarding the graduate rule, it is a very strict requirement that you lived in Denmark right before starting the education and again at latest 2 weeks after finishing education (graduation).

    So if you move to another country (EU or non EU) before graduation and stay there till after 2 weeks after your graduation, then you can not qualify for Unemployment benefits (dagpenge) after the graduate rule.

    And if you do not have right to dagpenge, then you can also not use the 3 months job-search option. The 3 months job-search period in another EU-country with dagpenge from a danish A-kasse, is only for individuals who have been approved for dagpenge in Denmark. And normally you also need to have been receiving dagpenge for 4 weeks before you can make use of the 3 months job-search option. However if you go to your own EU-homecountry it is only nessasary with 1 week on dagpenge, before you can use the 3 months job-search rule.

    Read more about the 3 months job-search in another EU-country here.

    There is no chance to avoid the requirements for graduates, and the A-kasse can not make exceptions.

    So if I was in your situation, I would definately wait until after graduation/after you have been approved for dagpenge in your A-kasse to go on job-search in another EU-country.

    Let me know if you need more help.

    Best regards,


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