Forum-svar oprettet
I hvilket land skal du være forsikret?
når du arbejder i flere EU-lande er det vigtigt at få afklaret hvor du er omfattet af social sikring, herunder arbejdsløshedsforsikring.
I EU’s koordineringsregler om social sikring er der en regel om at man kun kan være forsikret i ét land ad gangen og det er der hvor man fysisk arbejder. Arbejder man i flere EU-lande siger reglen at hvis man arbejder mindst 25% af arbejdstiden i sit bopælsland skal man være forsikret der. Det gælder uanset, hvor din arbejdsgiver har hjemsted.
Reglen (koordineringsprincippet) omfatter personer der “normalt har lønnet beskæftigelse i to eller flere medlemsstater”, men omfatter ikke den situation at man er ansat fra gang til gang til at arbejde i et andet EØS-land (man skifter arbejdsland fra gang til gang).
Jeg er ikke sikker på hvordan din arbejdssituation skal kategoriseres.
Uanset om du ender med at flytte til Danmark eller ej, så vil jeg – så længe du fortsat vil have arbejde i både Danmark og Sverige – anbefale at du får en afgørelse om social sikring – en såkaldt A1-attest.
Bor du i Sverige skal du henvende dig til Försäkringskassan, bor du i Danmark skal du henvende dig til Udbetaling Danmark.
De to parter vil finde ud af hvor du er social sikret – og dermed også i hvilket land du skal være medlem af A-kasse.
Det er vigtigt at du er forsikret i det rigtige land, og det er også vigtigt at du ikke er dobbeltforsikret. Er du ikke korrekt forsikret kan du helt miste retten til dagpenge.
Overførsel af optjente rettigheder:
Finder man frem til at du skal være forsikret i Danmark kan du overføre anciennitet fra den svenske A-kasse til den danske A-kasse. Jeg går ud fra at du har boet mere end 5 år i Sverige (at du ikke har været medlem af en dansk A-kasse indenfor de sidste 5 år) – i så fald skal du arbejde 296 timer i Danmark inden du kan overføre rettigheder.
Du skal i forbindelse med overførsel af rettigheder bruge en PDU1 formular fra den svenske A-kasse. Du kan spørge i den svenske A-kasse om de har mulighed for at gøre det uden PDU1, ved i stedet at bruge elektronisk udveksling.
Du kan læse mere i vores artikler “Arbejde i Sverige: Hvad med A-kasse?” (her omtales reglerne om overførsel af anciennitet mellem A-kasser i Sverige og Danmark), og “Arbejder du i flere EØS-lande? Se guide om A-kasse“.
Lad mig høre om du har yderligere spørgsmål.
Med venlig hilsen
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
If you applied in 2024 you will be placed in a dagpenge period from 1. december 2024, hence only income registered/earned before 1. december 2024 can be included. In this situation your income from december can not be included. And you can not meet the 2024-requirement.
I think the A-kasse see your respond/second application as an application in/from January 2025, and you will be placed in a dagpenge period from 1. January 2025. Hence they use the 2025 income-requirement. In this case income registered/earned before 1. January 2025 can be included.
So in the second case you have more income to include, but at the same time the income-requirement has increased, so you will still not be able to meet the income-requirment.So, the A-kasse uses two different figures for the income requirement, because in the “first case” you apply in december 2024, and in the second case in january 2025.
There are clear rules in the law about these dates and what the A-kasse must include of income when they calculate if a person meet the income-requirement.
No matter of whether your application is seen as a 2024 or 2025 application you will not be able to meet the income-requirement.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
you don’t tell if you already have applied for Unemployment benefits from your A-kasse.
The income requirement in the year in which the member is placed in a unemployment benefit period applies. I assume that you will be placed in a new unemployment benefit/dagpenge period from 01.01.2025, so in your case you must meet the 2025 income requirement (182,340 kr.).
Normally the income must be registered in the income-register for being included in meeting the income-requirement.
However, income from the reporting/working period in which unemployment occurs may be included if the income is significant for meeting the income requirement.
If you have applied for dagpenge from 01.01.2025 then your december income will be included if it is important in regarding to meeting the income-requirement (182,340 kr.), even if the payment date is 02.01.2025.
Hope I have understand your question correctly.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
if you only work part-time (whether as salaried person or self-employed) its possible to get supplementary unemployment benefits (“supplerende dagpenge”) for up to 30 weeks. However this is only possible if you still can be fully available for the labor market, meaning you must apply for jobs, come to meetings at the A-kasse, Jobcenter etc. You must be able to take any job with one day notice.
If your (temporary) job or self-employment means that you can not at the same time be available for the labor market, then you must cancel registration as unemployed at The rules say that if you get a full-time job for more than 14 days you must cancel registration as unemployed at
Yes, when you cancel registration as unemployed at, the A-kasse dosen’t care about what you are doing, you can work as salaried, self-employed, take holiday, take education etc. The A-kasse get notified by the Jobcenter that you dont want to receive dagpenge anymore (because of employment). As already mentioned when you register as unemployed again, you will resume the payment of dagpenge from where you left in the 2-year period.
The 3 weeks waiting period apply when a person stops with self-employment as a full-time/main activity. If a person stops after having only worked as self-employed as a sidejob (“bibeskæftigelse”), the 3 weeks waiting period does not apply.
This means that if you can get your project-based work recognised as “bibeskæftigelse” or as salaried work then you will not have the 3 weeks waiting period as a self-employed person. If your contract is fixed-termed, then you will also not get a 3 weeks quarantine for self-inflicted unemployment as a salaried person.
Normally the A-kasse see freelance work as salaried work – but its an assesment that the A-kasse do in each case.
The option I refer to is the option to start up as self-employed while at the same time receiving supplementary Unemployment benefits. This is only possible if the A-kasse can accept your self-employment as a sidejob (“bibeskæftigelse”). In that case you can get supplementary benefits for up to 30 weeks.
I hope it helps you – but again this is something that your A-kasse should be able to guide you about.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
1. If your employer reports your paid hours to eIndkomst as A-income (“A-indkomst”), these are the hours that your A-kasse uses for the deduction from your unemployment benefits. This is why you must state this number of working hours on your unemployment benefits card. So, it dosen’t matter that your salary is DKK 800 per hours, as long as your salary is reported as a number of hours. For one hour work (value DKK 800) you will lose 1 hour of unemployment benefit.
2. Yes, you can register as employed (not unemployed anymore) at and tell your A-kasse that you are now working and don’t want to receive dagpenge. You will keep your current dagpenge-period of two years with dagpenge which must be used within 3 years.
When you again register as unemployed at and apply for dagpenge in your A-kasse, you will continue from where you left in the current dagpenge-period and get paid the rest of the 2-year period.3. I am not sure I fully understand your third question. If you ask about whether you can work as self-employed, the answer is yes its possible without losing right to unemployment benefits afterwards. All forms of income are assessed equally – and collectively – in relation to fulfilling rights within unemployment insurance. However there is s a mandatory waiting period after finishing of self-employment as main employment. This means that you cannot receive dagpenge from the date of termination of the company and three weeks thereafter. Furthermore there is a rule saying that you can only start up as self-employed one time in every dagpenge-period without consequenses.
I strongly advice you to also ask your A-kasse the same questions. The rules can be complicated/detailed and especially if you want to start up as self-employed there can be some different options for you.
Let me know if you have further questions.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk27. december 2024 kl. 16:25 som svar til: voksenelevløn – It’s income requirement for use Dagpenge benefit? #746supportKeymasterHi,
according to this webpage,
the option to get subsidy does not include the education programmes for social and health workers (SOSU), social and health assistants or pedagogical assistants, who are entitled to adult student pay according to the collective agreement. Ask about the rules at the job centre.So if that’s correct, you should be able to include your voksenelevløn in calculating your income according to the income-requirement.
Hope you have got the answers you need.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
I assume that you are an EU-citizen. In this case the rules about EU social security coodination apply to you.
The rules say that you must only be insured against unemployment in one country at a time, and that country should be where you physically perform your job. So, in your case you should keep membership in the danish A-kasse.
Its not relevant where the employer is based – its where you physically perform the job, which is important.
If you will work less than 25% of the time in Denmark, it will be the rules about working in two EU-countries at the same time, which will apply to you. However it does not seem to be the case for you.
You can read more about EU Social Security Coordination in our article here: me know if you have further questions.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk24. december 2024 kl. 11:01 som svar til: voksenelevløn – It’s income requirement for use Dagpenge benefit? #741supportKeymasterHi,
In some cases, an employer may receive a subsidy from the jobcentre’s adult apprenticeship scheme (voksenelev/voksenlærling) to pay adult apprentice wages.
If your employer receives a subsidy for your apprentice wages, you cannot use the wages to meet the income requirement.
But if your employer have not received subsidy, you can use the income to meet the income requirement.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
I understand that you never actually worked in Denmark, but have performed your work for the danish University from a computer at you home in Switzerland.
Accoring to the EU-rules regarding coordination of social security you must as a starting point be insured in the country where you physically work – in your case Switzerland.
There are some special situations/exceptions to this. These situations are where you work in two countries at the same time, are a posted worker or a cross-border worker. But none of these situations apply in your situation.
So, you should have been insured in Switzerland, not in Denmark.
It is not relevant where you have permanent address or pay tax – it is where you physically perform your work that is important in relation to find out in which EU country you must be insured against unemployment.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
1. You need to change status from student to graduate in your A-kasse. This must be done at latest 2 weeks after graduation. You should only register as unemployed (at and apply for Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) from the day you want to begin to receive unemployment benefits – this will be the day you return to Denmark.
2. If You by “extra benefits” refer to the higher amount that graduates (without kids) get in the first 3 months then you will still get that.
As newly graduated you have right to 1 year with Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”). And you have up to two years to use the 1 year period with dagpenge. When you start to get paid (regardless of you wait two months) you will still get the higher amount for the first 3 months.The amounts – DKK 15,081 (applicable in 2025) in the first 3 months/481 hours and a lower amount in month 4-12 – are tied to the period with unemployment benefits – not to the time elapsed since completing your education.
When you have received unemployment benefits for 481 hours, which corresponds to 3 months of full unemployment benefits, your unemployment benefit rate will be reduced.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
If you have a student job but have decided to receive unemployment benefits on graduation terms, you must have both terminated and resigned from your student job before you graduate to avoid a 3-week quarantine.
This is due to the rule about self-inflicted unemployment.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
to be able to answer you we need some more information:
1. Do you perform your work physically in Denmark? Or if you work in both Denmark and Switzerland – then how much of time in each country? (if you work from a computer in Switzerland but for the danish University – then you are considered to work in Switzerland)
2. If you only work in Denmark – then how often do you go home to Switzerland?
3. Are you a posted worker?
4. Are you an EU-citizen?These things are important to know because it can mean that you are covered by EU-regulation regarding social security coordination.
Please answer on this page.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
If you are a third-country citizen and fulfil the conditions for residence as a family member to an EU citizen, you have the same rights to reside and work in Denmark as the EU citizen.
This means that you can meet one of the requirements for being eligible for Unemployment benefits (in Danish: dagpenge) – the availability requirement (you can take any job with one day notice).
For being eligible for dagpenge, you must also meet the other requirements, which you can read about here: of your wifes grounds for residence, your right of residence, or the right of residence of your wife, could be affected if one of you – or you both – receives benefits regulated by the Act on Active Social Policy, such as cash benefits. However Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) is NOT covered by the Act on Active Social Policy.
Hence, receiving dagpenge or state study grants (in Danish: SU) does not affect your right to reside in Denmark.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk4. november 2024 kl. 13:17 som svar til: Inquiry Regarding Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits Upon Graduation #724supportKeymasterHi,
during the job search stay (normally 3 years) that international students can get after they have completed a higher education in Denmark (according to udlændingelovens § 9 i, stk. 12, jf. § 9 i, stk. 1 og 2 og jf. studiebekendtgørelsen nr. 363 af 30. marts 2023 om meddelelse af opholds- og arbejdstilladelse till studerende, § 5, stk. 2),
the same support requirement applies as during the student stay.This means that a student may not receive public assistance/support during his entire stay in Denmark (the study stay and the 3-year job search stay).
According to SIRI (we have asked them) public support includes not only benefits under the Active Social Policy Act, but also Unemployment benefits from A-kasse (“dagpenge”).
So I am afraid that it would be waste of money for you to pay to A-kasse.
There is not anything you can do to get “dagpenge” as long as you don’t have a permanent residence permit (or is a spouse to someone who have).
Let me know if you have further questions.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dksupportKeymasterHi,
working hours with public support like løntilskud, does not count towards meeting the requirements for dagpenge, and hence it will not be registered on the Beskæftigelseskonto.
It dosent matter if the hours is on the Årsopgørelse.
Best regards,
Anders Weber,