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  • som svar til: nyberegn #693


    I am not sure I fully understand your question.

    But I assume that:
    – you now are registered with “dimittend”-status in your A-kasse.
    – you have been working after you have finished your education

    If thats correct you have the option (only for graduates) to have your Unemployment benefits (“dagpengesats”) recalculated based
    on your work after the education.

    You must be aware that graduates only get dagpenge for 1 year. The period you have already used with normal dimittend-sats (DKK 12.645) will be deducted, so You can only get dagpenge for the rest of the 1 year period.

    Let me know if you have further questions.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: CPR de-register mid-studies #691


    according to the this page:

    Erasmus Mundus degree (Global Forestry) is NOT an education program approved by SU.

    Also I can see on another page (
    that the education has a participation fee, but that you can apply for SU.

    According to these sources I will assess that you can NOT get graduate rights in the A-kasse.

    However, I will strongly recommend you to also ask an A-kasse.

    About the requirement of stay in Denmark. You only have to have stayed in Denmark before the education startet and again at latest 2 weeks after the education is finished. During the education you can stay outside Denmark.

    The CPR is not relevant when we talk rules about Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) – so it dosen’t matter that you have been de-registered from the CPR-register.

    The income must be reported to the income register within 12 months during the last 24 months.
    The work does not need to have been carried out for 12 consecutive months, but wage hours must be reported in each of the 12 months.

    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Pause for unemployment benefit #689


    As an unemployed unemployment benefit recipient, you have the right to take a holiday like everyone else. As you say your self you can off course not get unemployment benefits in the holiday period.

    However you must remember to report the holiday to both the Jobcenter ( and your A-kasse.

    The job center must be notified of your holiday no later than 14 days before the holiday starts. The A-kasse must be informed at latest on the first day of your holiday.

    You must use your 2 year period with Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) within a 3-year reference period.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: studying while unemployed #681


    You cannot participate in a SU eligible full-time education (be registered as student) and at the same time receive Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”).
    This is due to the fact that a person who receives unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) must be fully available for the labor market.

    If a member studies without being registered at an educational institution, e.g. by writing a thesis, the A-kasse must carry out a specific availability assessment.
    But since you have been able to work full-time during your Master Study until now, I believe the A-kasse need to accept that you can be available for the labor market while doing your Master thesis.

    I dont know if it is possible, but if you have an option to be registered for the final exam (Master thesis defense) as a so-called “private person”, i.e. without having participated in the previous education, it could help your chances to get Unemployment benefits. In that case the member is considered to be participating in education from the time the member has registered for the exam.

    We strongly recommend you to talk with your A-kasse about your options.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Pregnancy and A-Kasse #680


    I assume that the person was receiving Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) from A-kasse before beginning to receive maternity benefits (“barselsdagpenge”).
    In that case the person can continue in the “dagpenge”-period after the maternity leave is completed, and receive dagpenge for the rest of the 2-year period which is left.

    The period of which the person received dagpenge before maternity leave is deducted in the total 2 year period of which a person can receive dagpenge.

    The normal 3 year period in which a dagpenge-period has to be used is extended with the maternity leave period.

    Off course the person must be available for the labor market, search for jobs, attend to meetings in A-kasse and Jobcenter etc.

    Hope this answers your questions.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Dagpenge and requirements #679


    I will only recommend part-time membership (“deltidsforsikret”) if you have difficulties with meeting the normal (“full-time”) income requirement and/or if you really only want to work maximum 30 hours per week.

    For part-time insured the income requirement is 175,488 kr. However you will also get lower amount in Unemployment benefits.

    If you only want to work part-time/search for part-time jobs, off course a part-time membership could be an option.

    You can still have full-time membership even you do not work full-time. However in case of unemployment you have to apply for full-time jobs.

    The A-kasse can see if you work more than the 30 hours per week, and will in that case change your membership from part-time to full-time.

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Dagpenge and requirements #677


    1. Only salary during maternity leave (paid by your employer) can be used to meet the income requirement. Hence, “Barselsdagpenge” paid by “Udbetaling Danmark” can not be used to meet the income requirement.
    2. You have to meet the income requirement for the year where you apply for unemployment benefits. So if you apply now you must meet the 2024 requirement (kr. 263,232).
    3. As it is only income during membership periods that is taken into account to calculate the income requirement, the earliest the earning period can start is the day you joined A-kasse.
    4. All Danish employers, companies and paying authorities are obliged to report taxable income for the individual citizen to a central register – the so-called Income Register. However only income registrered in the income register of which there has to be paid AM-bidrag can be used to meet the income requirement for being eligible for Unemployment benefits.
    5. It must be income that, according to the tax regulations, is income related to work income. This means that only income from which labor market contributions (AM-bidrag) must be paid can be included in the calculation. Unemployment benefits/Maternity benefits and other transfer income of which no labor market contribution is paid, cannot be included in the income requirement.

    Let me know if you have further questions.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Reimbursement after sick benefits ends #673


    we only guide about A-kasse and dagpenge. I can not see that your question is about A-kasse and/or dagpenge?

    Please ask more precise about A-kasse/dagpenge, if you have a question about that.

    best regards,
    Anders Weber,



    whether you can receive unemployment benefits or not, depend (as a non-EU citizen) on, among other things the type of work/residence permit you have.

    We do not guide about work permit, but recommend you instead to contact SIRI about that part of your question.

    However to be able to get unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) you will need a work permit that:

    – allows you to take any job with one day notice, and
    – the work/residence permit must no be conditional on that you do not receive Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”).

    If you can meet these requirements (you probably can’t) an PhD will normally be meet the requirements for graduate rights regarding unemployment benefits. You can see all requirements here:

    As a PhD student it could also be an option (again only if you have the right work/residence permit) to get dagpenge based on the salary you get as a PhD student. Read more here (only in danish):

    Hope it helps you.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Graduated over 30 under EU reunification regulations #669


    we do not guide about work permit, so concerning that part of your question, we recommend you to ask SIRI.

    However we can say that your work permit must:
    – give right to take any job with one day notice
    – must not be conditional on that you must not receive unemployment benefits.

    But if we assume that you have the proper work permit, I can not see why you should not be able to get Unemployment benefits.
    According to your information you meet the requirements for graduate rights as we describe on this page:

    Concerning the affiliate-requirement (in your case instead of meeting the language-requirement), its important that you have got income reported to the income-register for 12 months during the last 24 months prior to unemployment. And the total number of hours must be at least 600. According to your information you will meet this requirement.

    For you it doesn’t matter if you join the A-kasse before graduation or at latest 14 days after. Your rights to unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”) will be the same. You will have 1 month waiting period.

    You can easily join now if you want, but you will have to pay member fee to the A-kasse. If you do so, you just have to remember to change status to newly graduated at latest 14 days after graduation.

    When you have the graduate rights registered in the A-kasse, you can wait to start receving “dagpenge”, if you plan to have holiday after graduation. When you are granted unemployment benefits as a newly graduate you will have one year with dagpenge which must be used within a “reference”-period of two years.

    As long as you dont receive dagpenge, you are free to do what you want to do.

    Let me know if you have further questions.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,



    no its not possible.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Selvbetalt fri før efterløn #660

    Hej Peter,

    vi er ikke eksperter indenfor efterløn. Men jeg har fundet følgende oplysninger:

    Du skal betale efterlønsbidrag frem til din efterlønsalder. Personer født i perioden 01.01.59 – 31.12.75 skal indbetale i mindst 25 år.
    Er du født før 1. juli 1964, og har du betalt efterlønsbidrag fra 1. april 1999, er det dog tilstrækkeligt, at du har betalt efterlønsbidrag i 20 år inden for de sidste 25 år.

    Personer der er født i perioden 2. juli 1960 til 31. december 1975, har mulighed for at holde en bidragsfri periode.

    En bidragsfri periode vil ikke få betydning for din ret til efterløn.

    Du skulle gerne have modtaget et brev fra din a-kasse om, at du i en periode kan undlade at betale efterlønsbidrag.

    Du har ret til at holde en bidragsfri periode, hvis du er:

    • født i perioden 2. juli 1960 til 31. december 1975
    • begyndt at betale efterlønsbidrag før du fyldte 35. år og før 1. januar 2008 eller
    • hvis du har betalt efterlønsbidrag i 2007, og på det tidspunkt var over 35 år
    • kan nå at betale efterlønsbidrag i mindst 25 år inden din efterlønsalder og ikke har fået det tilbagebetalt

    Du skal være opmærksom på at du når du vil på efterløn, skal du opfylde alle betingelser for ret til efterløn. For personer født mellem 01.01.59 – 31.12.75 betyder det bl.a. at:

    • Du skal have været uafbrudt medlem af en a-kasse og have indbetalt efterlønsbidrag fra 1. januar 2008, og indtil du når efterlønsalderen, dog mindst 25 år.
    • Kunne opfylde betingelserne for ret til dagpenge ved ledighed
    • Have bopæl i Danmark eller i et andet EØS-land.

    Vi anbefaler selvfølgelig at du også spørger din egen A-kasse.

    Med venlig hilsen
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse for Non EU, without Residence Permit #656


    for non-EU citizens its only possible to get Unemployment benefits, if they have a permanent residence permit in Denmark, or they have EU residence as a family member to an EU citizen.

    And off course only if they otherwise meet the requirements for being eligbile for Unemployment benefits (“dagpenge”).

    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Job after graduating – new rule #654


    as you already are in a “dagpenge”-period, you can only get better conditions if you qualify for a new period with dagpenge.

    However, because you have not worked since you started to receive dagpenge, you will not be able to meet the requirements for getting a new period with dagpenge.

    You can not use the aggregation rule anymore, since you have used your education to get dagpenge as a graduate after the graduate rule. An education can not be used two times as a basis for getting dagpenge.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A kasse to UK #652


    Following the Withdrawal Agreement, a persons rights as a British citizen to social benefits remain unchanged as if the person were still an EU citizen

    If your husband is covered by the withdrawal agreement (we do not guide about that), it means that the EU rules about coordination of EU Social Security applies.

    One of the principles is the right to “export” Unemployment benefits for up to 3 months when an unemployed person want to search for job in another EU-country. However the withdrawal-agreement only gives right to look for job in UK with unemployment benefits from Denmark – not to search for job in other EU-countries.

    Off course your husband must be eligible for Unemployment benefits and meet the other requirements for transferring unemployment benefits. You can see the requirements here:

    If your husband is covered by the withdrawal-agreement it also apply to family-members, and hence its our opinion that you also should be able to use the EU-coordination rules, including exporting of Unemployment benefits.

    Let me know if you have further questions.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

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