

Reimbursement after sick benefits ends

Q&A om A-kasse Fora In english Reimbursement after sick benefits ends

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  • #672


    -My sygedagpenge from kommune period ended on 12 july after the 22 weeks rules.
    – but my doctor has not allowed me to work cleaning industry because of my health issues.
    – after the 22 weeks of sickness, job center is pushing me to find another type of work other than Cleaning industry.
    – but my employer has just send me termination letter mentioning i am fired from end of August. And I told them that doctor did not allow to work. I have sent them sick certificate.
    – As job cetter suggested I registered ledig at soon after my sygedagepenge period end.

    – but my emplyment is still valid until 31 aug. I have not quitting my self. they will pay to my nem konto.
    Will my employer ask reimbursement to kommune or akasse?

    In this case what will happen next?

    Thank you so much.



    we only guide about A-kasse and dagpenge. I can not see that your question is about A-kasse and/or dagpenge?

    Please ask more precise about A-kasse/dagpenge, if you have a question about that.

    best regards,
    Anders Weber,

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