

About my unemployment benefits (dagpenger) in Denmark from1997 to 2002

Q&A om A-kasse Fora Dagpenge About my unemployment benefits (dagpenger) in Denmark from1997 to 2002

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  • #662
    Chunhua Deng

    Dear Lady/Gentleman,

    My Full Name, Surname: Deng , First Name: Chunhua, Date of Birth: in 1961
    My Personal ID Number in Denmark or called CPR-nr: (avalaible if requested)
    Currently, I live in Holmestrand Norway. My Personal ID Number in Norway (ID-number) is (avalaible if requested).

    Because I did not know that I can apply for unemployment benifit when I am out of employment during my stay in Denmark(1997-2002). Now I found that I am qualified for applying for unemployment benifit when I am out of employment during my stay in Denmark(1997-2002) when I contact with Udbetaling Danmark, Tidlig Pension for applying my tidlig Pension.
    My questions are that
    (1) Can an unemployment benefits in Denmark be evoked? In other words, is it now possible to apply for my unemployment benifit for the period from 1997 to 2002 when I was in Demark?
    (2) If the answer to above question is YES, which organization/department I should contact with?

    My emails:
    My mobile number: +47-45488388

    With Best Regards

    Chunhua Deng



    no its not possible.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,

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