if you have used PD U2 I assume that you are still insured against unemployment in the other/your home EU-country. If thats correct, then it should be possible to transfer acquired rights to the danish A-kasse with the PD U1 document.
You must register in a danish A-kasse at latest 8 weeks after you have stopped being insured in your home EU-country.
But you must be aware that before your rights from the EU A-kasse can count in the danish A-kasse you must – within the 8 weeks – also begin work in Denmark and work for at least 296 hours over 12 weeks / 3 months. This apply if you have not been member of a danish A-kasse within the last 5 years.
You can read more about transfering periods of work and insurance (with PD U1) here:
Its important that you talk with your home EU-country Unemployment Insurance on how to proceed when the PD U2 expires, or read in the PD U2 document what you have to do when it expires.
And also we recommend not to cancel membership in your home EU-country before you have signed up with a danish A-kasse. But as long as you do not have work in Denmark it dosent really give meaning to join A-kasse, beacuse you will only be able to transfer rights when you have started working in Denmark.
Hope it helps.
Best regards,
Anders Weber, A-kasser.dk